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When the world is on your shoulders....have a Bath! 

With the ever-changing weather, new workout routines and varying levels of everyday activities that we put our bodies through, you have to make sure you're improving your self care routine!

Nurturing yourself in the best possible way never felt as good as it does with our Atlas Soothing Bath Tea! It's amazing for Muscle & Joint Pain, stiffness and has amazing skin benefits! 

The herbs selected for this blend were thoroughly researched and sustainably harvested to make sure they are as potent as they can be as well as making sure they impart all of the goodness for your benefit! 

Key Ingredient


Heals Wounds
The strong anti-inflammatory properties in mint leaves work well in healing cuts, wounds, mosquito bites and even treat dry and itchy skin. Extract mint leaf juice and apply it on the wound, or dry skin, as this will help to soothe irritating and burning skin.

Hydrates And Tones The Skin
Mint leaves work well as a mild astringent agent that helps to tone your skin naturally. It is potent to clear off the dead cells, removes the dirt from the pores and revamps your skin to a smoother, supple and well -hydrated tone. In addition, it also retains the moisture in your skin by tightening the pores.

Each tea blend comes in 6 oz. accompanied by our in house dried fruit blend to make your bath time experience absolutely amazing. Because YOU deserve it!

P.S. After initial use allow your herbs to dry. Steep another 1-2 times for ultimate usage.

For external use only

Atlas Soothing Bath Tea for Muscle & Joint Pain

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